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duminică, 28 aprilie 2013

Greetings from the Carpathians!

Girls in Field

We have a saying in Romania, that “it is not the coat that makes the man”. The romanian people are warm and welcoming, their cheerful spirit is drawn on their smile and regard, but also on their clothes. There was never a working day on the filed, a weading or a feast when the Romanian peasant would not proudly wear his traditional clothes.

It is said that a woman who lives in the countryside can change the needle into a paint brush and the thread into an aquarelle in order to create such impressive stiches. The costume’s adornment is like a nature’s mirror, it represents the fields’ flowers, the birds, the people and their animals. These are the sources of inspiration that a countrywoman has, so she knows exactly how much magic to put into a coat in order to frame the nature with a great purity.

You can find here all the information and photography you need to convince yourself that what we say is true, but you should rather come and see with your own eyes! We invite you to dance like we dance at our balls from Bucovina and say “Yes” at a weading from Maramureș, places where we still Wear Tradition!


Check out our traditional wear!


We are Romanian! Do you know something about this country?


There is a lot of it here!